Contact informatie

Zijlhoeklaan 9
2235 SK Valkenburg – Holland

Spam declaration ( October 01 – 2019 )

Some sick minds seem to think that it’s normal to be carpet bombing our contact page and contact form with enormous amounts of SPAM ( Unsolicited Commercial E-mail ), though we’ve placed an additional anti-spam logo to make clear that this is unwanted. 

Hence we’re unfortunately forced to temporary shut down our contact form and that means that visitors who want to leave a real serious message to us, will need to contact us by Email.

Or perhaps the old fashioned post service might help.

To all the spammers in e.g. Germany, Russia or Asia we want to say : “ Thank you nutheads ! “  FYI : We already announced in our Privacy statement that we don’t respond to all kinds of spam and only to real messages. So what’s the use of your behavior ?


Around January 2021 we will activate the Email button again, but NOT the contact form. With this step we can find out what happens.

Don’t spam us !!!! It’s useless, we will not respond and remove all rubbish immidiately.

If it happens again we will shut down the Email button for the second time.

Contact ? Click the e-mailbutton below.


* Contactform temporary removed / Contactformulier tijdelijk verwijderd